Sunday, September 15, 2013


On September 11, I auditioned for a part in a high school play,"Your a Good Man Charlie Brown." With a small cast of only 16, I still cut it! I am sooo excited! By the end of the month I will probably loathe all of the songs......but who cares! I MADE IT!

Friday, September 6, 2013


I love food and I'm not afraid to say it. I especially love Fall food more than any other. The flavors, the spice, the apples, the pies, the pumpkin! It's endless! Lately my mom and I have been checking out Elana's Pantry (which you can go to and check out her recipes at, and we've been in gluten-free heaven. Last night we tried are first recipe, crackers, with what measly ingredients we had. Today, my sister is going to go shopping, and tonight I will cook like crazy! Let's see...soup sounds good for dinner, and apple pie (with the apples straight from our tree!) sounds delicious :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013


On September 3 I got a haircut at Celsius. It was my first time their, so I was a little nervous, but my stylist Stephanie was great! She even curled my hair with a thin flat iron(who knew?!). My hair looks great and I am definitely going to try to curl my hair like that sometime!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Thanks for reminding me....

I'll try not to. At least I have three days..... 

Do you do it?

How many of us look at the Walt Disney logo and see Walt Gisney? Why don't we all just raise our hands..... ;)

Realistic looking Disney Princesses

Stand There and Take It

Today I went to the airport with my Dad to pick up my sister who had been in Oregon for a week. Now I know the real meaning of "stand there and take it". What do you do when someone who says there a Christian but really isn't,and is saying a bunch of negative lies about you. As a Christian what do you do? Yell at them say that their wrong? Nope doesn't work. Cry in front of them and beg them to stop? Doesn't work AT ALL. Hit them? Don't ever do it. Only the Devil wants you to do that. Or do you stand there silently, praying to God for protection. Even though your heart is aching and this mean person is giving you everything you have to remember: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." -Ephesians 6:12

Don't get me wrong every second I wanted to scream at the op of my lungs: Leave me alone! What you are saying, they're lies! Stop talking to me!

I wanted to have an easy way out, for someone to come and rescue me. But I knew that on earth you will suffer and trials, even emotional ones, are only there to purify you an make you more like Christ. I realize the more I go through hard stuff, and the more I call on Jesus, and when he's always their for me, I get closer to him. And that is always worth it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

If I was an animal I would be a......

Yorkshire terrier. Look at this description and just translate it to being a human:

"The ideal Yorkshire Terrier character or "personality" is described with a "carriage very upright" and "conveying an important air." Though small, the Yorkshire Terrier is active, very overprotective, curious, and loves attention. Mentally sound and emotionally secure ones should normally not show the soft submissive temperament seen in lap dogs. Yorkshire Terriers, also known as Yorkies, are an easy dog breed to train. This results from their own nature to work without human assistance.
Yorkshire Terriers tend to bark a lot. This makes them excellent watch dogs because they will sound the alarm when anyone gets near. This barking problem can be resolved with proper training."

That is just too true about me!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Waffles... GLUTEN-FREE Waffles

Now that just makes them a thousand times better. My family has had one gluten-free recipe that we always used. But because of changing our flour base we never made those waffles again. Now I have found a new recipe that I am going to try out from , one of my favorite gluten-free recipe sites. So, here we go! Be brave, get your Cuisinart food processor, your waffle pan and get cookin'!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

One Blog Forever

I have been skipping around doing several blogs, one for each thing I like to do. Now I have decided to just have one blog for everything. No more, no less. Hope you enjoy future posts!